
Management team
  • NameMr. Zhang Jiangong Position Chairman
    Born in August 1968, college degree, MBA and senior engineer. He served as general manager and deputy secretary of the party committee of Shanghai Shenhang Import & Export Co., Ltd., executive director of Shanghai Shenhang Import & Export Co., Ltd., vice president and deputy secretary of the party committee of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., general manager and deputy secretary of the party committee of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE; currently, he holds the position of vice president of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., secretary of the party committee of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE, director of Shanghai Aerospace Power Technology Co., Ltd. and chairman of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.
  • NameMr. Min Bin Position Deputy chairman
    Born in November 1972, master degree, master of engineering and researcher. He served as deputy chief engineer, assistant director, deputy secretary of the party committee, secretary of the commission for discipline inspection and chief supervisor of Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Institute; Currently he holds the position of the director of strategic & planning department of Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, and deputy chairman of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.
  • NameMr. Qu Jianhua Position Deputy chairman
    Born in October 1960, college degree, senior accountant at the researcher level. He served as director of the fifth board of directors of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE, general manager of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE Automotive Electronics Branch, chairman of SDAAC Automotive Air-Conditioning Systems Co., Ltd., Shanghai, general manager of Shanghai Aerospace holding (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. and secretary of the party committee and deputy general manager of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE; Currently he serves as a researcher in the investment and development department of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (principal level in the department), and deputy chairman of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.
  • NameMr. Wu Hao Position Director
    Born in December 1973, college degree, MBA and senior engineer. He served as deputy general manager of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE, and general manager in the solar power station division, secretary of the board of directors of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., vice president and secretary of the board of directors of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. and chairman of Shanghai Aerospace Power Technology Co., Ltd.; currently, he is the general manager of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE and director of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE, etc.
  • NameMr. Qian Yedong Position Director
    Born in June 1975, college degree, master degree in Engineering and senior engineer. He served as director of the salary management office of human resource department of Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology; currently he serves as the deputy director of the human resource department of Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology and director of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.
  • NameMr. Wang Rong Position Director
    Born in November 1981, college degree, Bachelor of Laws and economist. He served as the director of the management office of the civil industry department of Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, and the director of the general management department of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.; currently he holds positions of deputy general manager of the general management department of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., deputy general counsel of Shanghai Aerospace Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., supervisory board chairman of Shanghai Aerospace Power Technology Co., Ltd., supervisor of Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Industry Investment Management Co., Ltd. and director of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.
  • NameMr. Deng Chuanzhou Position Independent director
    Born in August 1968, doctor degree, Doctor of Accountancy, professor and Certified Public Accountant in China. He served as vice president of Xiamen ITG Group Corp., Ltd., assistant president of Beijing sinobioway Group Co., Ltd. and professor of Shanghai National Accounting Institute; currently he is a partner of Grant Thornton, independent director of Shanghai Pudong Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd., and independent director of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.
  • NameMr. Liu Yunhong Position Independent director
    Born in November 1976, doctor of law, postdoctor in economics, postdoctor in law, associate professor and postgraduate tutor. He served as director of legal compliance affairs of Guotai Fund Management Co., Ltd., and the general manager of investment banking department of Aerospace Securities Co., Ltd.; currently he serves as general manager assistant of HwaBao Securities Co. Ltd., general manager of investment banking department, deputy director of the Institute of International Mergers and Acquisitions and Investments, Renmin University of China, postgraduate tutor of East China University of Political Science and Law and other universities, independent director of Guangdong HEC Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., independent director of Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited, independent director of Bank of Guiyang, independent director of Shenergy Company Limited and independent director of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.
  • NameMr. Shen Wenzhong Position Independent director
    Born in May 1968, doctor degree, doctor degree in semiconductor physics and semiconductor device physics, professor and doctoral supervisor, an expert in the field of solar photovoltaic science and technology, a distinguished professor of the Yangtze River Program of the Ministry of Education, and a winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He served as an assistant research fellow of Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics (SITP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a research assistant of Georgia State University; currently, he serves as a professor of physics at Shanghai Jiaotong University, director of the Solar Energy Research Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University, chairman of Shanghai Solar Energy Society, independent non-executive director of GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited., independent director of Jolywood (Suzhou) Sunwatt Co., Ltd. and independent director of the seventh board of directors of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.