Born in November 1976, doctor of law, postdoctor in economics, postdoctor in law, associate professor and postgraduate tutor. He served as director of legal compliance affairs of Guotai Fund Management Co., Ltd., and the general manager of investment banking department of Aerospace Securities Co., Ltd.; currently he serves as general manager assistant of HwaBao Securities Co. Ltd., general manager of investment banking department, deputy director of the Institute of International Mergers and Acquisitions and Investments, Renmin University of China, postgraduate tutor of East China University of Political Science and Law and other universities, independent director of Guangdong HEC Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., independent director of Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited, independent director of Bank of Guiyang, independent director of Shenergy Company Limited and independent director of the seventh session of the Board of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE.